About Kito

President's message

Since our founding in 1932, Kito has been building customer trust as a leading manufacturer of materials-handling equipment essential to lifting, transferring and holding loads. Kito chain hoists, lever hoists, rope hoists and cranes are employed not just in Japan but around the world, in the US, Europe and Asia. They enjoy an excellent reputation among customer, always going beyond their needs for greater safety, durability and productivity.

Our founder left us the motto, “Value both the standard and custom-made products,” meaning no single product can meet all customer needs. While offering standard products representing the broadest common needs, we must also meet special needs flexibly. We have always valued both product groups equally.

We have expanded our business network worldwide. We will continue to supply products known for unparalleled safety and durability to markets around the world, and build customer confidence in the Kito brand.

Yoshio Kito, President

Corporate profile

Basic facts about Kito Corporation.

Corporate mission

Corporate Mission


Environmental protection, Social contribution, Governance


Our history goes back to 1932.

Sales network in Japan

Information of sales offices in Japan.

Global network

Information of locations around the world that represent the Kito brand.