
Kito responds to the need to safely lift, move and hold heavy loads in all industries and regions, and as a result makes it possible to create value without the constraints of gravity. As a corporate member of society we always bear in mind our responsibilities to maintain our commitment to legal compliance, which is our top priority, fair and transparent governance. We also promote clean, environmentally friendly manufacturing, and stay active with our social contributions.

Environmental protection

Kito helps create a rich, sustainable society where people live in harmony with the environment, working to reduce environmental impact and prevent pollution throughout our operations and total product life cycles, while continuously improving our management system and promoting environmentally conscious activities.

Social contribution

By producing and selling safe, durable hoists and cranes, Kito contributes not only to our customers, distributors, business partners and other direct stakeholders, but to society at large as well.

Environmental and Social Data

Kito’s Environmental and Social data from its business activities.
Data are based on KITO’s non-consolidated figures (Japan).


Kito helps create a rich, sustainable society where people live in harmony with the environment, and works to reduce environmental impact and prevent pollution throughout our operations and total product life cycles while promoting environmentally conscious activities.

Field Item Unit FY2021 FY2022


Energy Total energy input GJ 230,747 251,655*1 222,511*1
Electric power usage kwh 19,963,149 20,680,638*1 18,236,740*1
LPG usage t 14 16*1 15*1
City gas usage m3 943,770 1,017,990*1 895,860*1
Gasoline usage L 88,771 92,150*1 100,985*1

Greenhouse gas emissions

Scope1 t-CO2 2,369 2,551*1 2,296*1
Scope2 t-CO2 8,842 5,917*1 3,086*1
(Calculated from FY2019)
t-CO2 98,852 112,971*1 109,787*1


Emissions intensity Emissions/
Weight of production
1.807 1.380*1 0.915*1
vs. previous fiscal year % 105 76*1 66*1
Water resources Water resource input m3 118,740 127,120*1 197,354*1
Water supply m3 11,174 13,994*1 14,332*1
Industrial water m3


113,126*1 183,022*1
Total discharge m3 45,241 52,385*1 47,352*1
Controlled substances Input t 14 15 13
Pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) Emissions and transfers t 6 7 6
Organic solvents and VOCs Amount used t 12 11*1 12*1
Waste Total waste t 2,039 2,421* 2,178*1
Environment-related laws and regulations Number of violations 0 0*1 0*1


Kito believes that securing diverse human resources is the foundation for the company’s economic development and sustainable growth. We aim to be a group with high ethical standards, with our corporate philosophy as the unifying force of the organization.

Field Item Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Employment Number of employees Total 687 697 706
Male 551 559 563
Female 136 138 143
Average employee age Total years 43.0 42.4 42.0
Male years 44.0 43.3 42.9
Female years 38.7 38.8 38.5
Years of service Total 17.6 17.4 17.3
Male 18.4 18.0 17.9
Female 14.6 14.8 15.0
Number of non-japanese employees Total 15 14 15
Employees by age Under 30 Total 105 108 116
Male 79 85 89
Female 26 23 27
30-39 Total 149 158 160
Male 115 119 123
Female 34 39 37
40~49 Total 166 149 143
Male 123 113 108
Female 43 36 35
50~59 Total 220 239 240
Male 190 203 203
Female 30 36 37
Over 60 Total 47 43 47
Male 44 39 40
Female 3 4 7
Hires straight out of school Total 14 19 18
Male 10 16 15
Female 4 3 3
Retention rate after 3 years Total % 83.3 86.7 78.6
Male % 76.9 91.7 70.0
Female % 100 66.7 100.0
Mid-career hires Total 20 20 12
Male 17 16 9
Female 3 4 3
Number who leave Total 10 18 22
Male 9 15 20
Female 1 3 2
Turnover % 1.5 3.0 3.1
Number of employees with disabilities 35 36 39
Percentage of employees with disabilities % 6.9  7.0 7.8
Appointment of diverse human resources as directors Appointment of diverse human resources as directors
(Figures in parentheses indicate general managers and above)
Male 73(23) 86(26) 82(29)
Female 3(0) 3(0) 3(1)
Non-Japanese 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Percent female % 3.9(0) 3.0(0) 3.5(3.3)
Upper management
(Directors, corporate auditors, and executive officers)
Total number 21 15 14
Male 20 15 14
Female 1 0 0
Non-Japanese 6 6 3
Percent female % 4.8 0 0
Labor Mean annual salary Total yen 6,131,399 6,549,747 3,497,336*2
Mean monthly salary for a 30-year-old
*college graduate, career track
yen 265,274 258,792 280,499
Annual paid leave usage Number of days granted 18.9 18.8 18.9
Number of days taken 15.3 16.1 11.9
Number of days taken % 81.0 85.3 63.5
Number of employees taking maternity leave 8 7 5
Number of employees taking childcare leave
(Figures in parentheses indicate the number of employees who took childcare leave for one week or less.)
Total 14 12 22
Male 9(1) 8(1) 12(0)
Female 5 4 10
Percent who return to work after childcare leave % 100 100 100
Number of employees taking time off to care for sick or injured children. 7 10 8
Number of employees taking caregiver leave 1 0 0
Number of employees taking short-term carergiver leave 12 19 19
Education and training expense per employee yen 40,842 70,570 63,882
Safety Frequency rate of industrial accidents 3.86 5.41 3.00
Other Number of proposals for improvement that were given awards from officers 264 343 209
Annualized amount of effect of improvement proposals Millions of yen 99 79 53

Figures marked with *1 are the aggregated results from January to December of the relevant year.
Figures marked with *2 are the aggregated results from April to December 2023.
Other than that, the results are from April to March of the following year.


Specification of products may differ depending on your location. 
Please contact Kito and Kito's global partners for more information.