Kito shall contribute to realizing an enriched and sustainable society where people are in harmony with the earth through development of our business activities and provision of products and services in the material handling field.
Through our business activities and product lifecycles, Kito shall set goals concerning reduction of environmental burdens, pollution prevention, etc. and promote environmental activities while continuously improving our management system.
Measures against climate change
We will decrease energy consumption to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Sustainable use of resources
We will understand the finiteness of resources and ensure their effective use by saving and recycling them.
Measures to protect biodiversity
We will strive to mitigate our impact on biodiversity and conserve ecosystems.
We will comply with environment-related laws and regulations, and other requirements that our company agrees to.
To further reduce environmental impact, we will rebuild our plant for cleaner, more energy-efficient operations. Here at the Yamanashi Plant our top priority is to maintain a safe workplace for all, with careful attention to fire, other work-related risks, and harmful noise and odors in addition to effort to reduce energy consumption, CO2 emissions and other environmental impact.
Reduction of environmentally
harmful substances
and CO2 emissions
Eliminate waste
and increase
work efficiency
Safe workplace
In providing earth-friendly products, Kito, in cooperation with our customers and suppliers, actively works to reduce environment impact and help build recycling culture.
Elimination of Kito’s 19 prohibited substances
Kito Green Procurement Guidelines
Kito products are designed to be compact, light and durable. With conscious effort to select the best materials and reduce the number of parts, we help preserve the
Compact and light / durable / long life
Custom products to best suit the work environment
Kito reduces energy consumption by switching to energy-efficient equipment, removing as much hazardous substances as possible from its workplaces and products, and building safe workplaces in which anyone can work safely and at ease.
Reducing use of toxic organic solvents
Kito switched to powder-coating in 2017, resulting more than 80% cut in the use of organic solvents from the 2015 level. Effort continues to reduce that further.
Use of organic solvents
Reducing use of flammable substances
In addition to isolating and eliminating Class-1 hazardous and other oils, we are replacing them with safe materials.
Energy-conservation effort
Increase efficiency of heating equipment.
Reduce size and redistribute large equipment.
Make compressed air leaks visible and reduce.
Trend in CO2 emissions and electric energy unit consumption
Taking advantage of its globally diversified production bases, Kito speedily delivers products to customers worldwide at lower distribution cost. We use simple packaging to reduce waste and ease unpacking by customers.
Globally diversified production bases
Simple packaging
Simple packaging selected by customers
Recyclable cartons for intra-group transportation
Kito trains customers and distributors to correctly and safely use our products.
Service maintenance
Product training
Based on joint industry guidelines such as the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) standards by the European Union, Kito identifies and prevents the use of 19 selected hazardous substances (“Kito’s banned 19”). The standard manual and electric chain hoists Kito produces comply with RoHS standards. For the rest, we are actively working to switch to products without the “banned 19.”
Kito, in order to provide customers with environmentally-friendly products, has set forth the Green Procurement Guidelines, in accordance with the Environment Policy; and with the cooperation of its suppliers, aims to proactively undertake initiatives to mitigate the environmental burden and build a recycling-oriented economic system.
In 2009, Kito determined restricted substances as “Kito’s 15 prohibited substances” based on then-current RoHS Directive and Joint Industry Guide (JIG), and Kito has promoted initiatives to eliminate the restricted substances in accordance with our environmental policy. Taking later laws and market requirements into consideration, Kito decided to add four substances specified in RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU) to our restricted substances and promotes elimination of “Kito’s 19 prohibited substances”. The restricted substances may be changed as needed in response to future revision of the laws and social situation.
Kito will take into consideration whether a supplier has acquired or plans to acquire the ISO14001 and similar certifications related to environmental systems, and give preference to suppliers who comply with various laws and regulations including those relating to the environment and those who are actively engaged in initiatives toward environmental conservation. Preference will also be given to suppliers who are willing to appropriately comply with changes in specifications of the procured items, which may occur as a result of revisions of various laws and regulations.
Kito classifies procurement into three categories and has established the initiatives to be taken for each category. Compliance with initiatives toward items in category <1> is mandatory, while the initiatives toward items in categories <2> and <3> are to be observed whenever possible, assuming that all the required specifications will be met.
The Guidelines will basically apply to all items procured by Kito; and while certain items represent non-binding targets, the application of portions of the Guidelines relating to products (including OEM), parts, consumables and services sold by Kito will be mandatory.
In terms of the evaluation and selection criteria of Green Procurement, suppliers will be evaluated as per the following, and selection will be performed with preference given to suppliers who actively comply with Kito’s requirements and are receptive toward Kito’s environmental initiatives.