SHINJUKU NS Building 9F, 2-4-1, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-0809 |
TEL | +81-3-5908-0155 |
FAX | +81-3-5908-0159 |
2000 Tsuijiarai Showa-Cho, Nakakoma-Gun, Yamanashi, 409-3853 |
TEL | +81-55-275-7521 |
FAX | +81-55-275-6162 |
Sapporo Sales Group |
2-chome Minami 4-6, Nangodori, Shiroishi-ku, Sapporo-City, Hokkaido, 003-0022 |
Sendai Sales Group |
Gorin Shoji Building 202, 1-6-16, Gorin, Miyagino-ku, Sendai-City, Miyagi, 983-0842 |
Kita-Kanto & Shinetsu Sales Group |
Wakatabi Building 102, 14-1, Komaigi-cho, Ota-City, Gunma, 373-0818 |
Tokyo Sales Group |
SHINJUKU NS Building 9F, 2-4-1, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-0809 |
East Customer Center | (same as the above) |
Toll-free TEL:+81-120-994-404 Toll-free FAX:+81-120-994-504 TEL:+81-3-5908-0173 FAX:+81-3-5908-0179 |
Yokohama Sales Group |
1-21-7, Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-City, Kanagawa, 222-0033 |
East-Japan Crane Service Team | (same as the above) |
TEL:+81-45-474-3953 FAX:+81-45-474-3982 |
Central-Japan Sales Group |
Epta Kamiyashiro 3F, 1-908, Kamiyashiro, Meito-ku, Nagoya-City, Aichi, 465-0025 |
West Customer Center(Nagoya) | (same as the above) |
Toll-free TEL:+81-120-929-965 Toll-free FAX:+81-120-929-966 TEL:+81-52-726-8686 FAX:+81-52-726-8689 |
Osaka Sales Group |
2-10-3, Dainichi-cho, Moriguchi-City, Osaka, 570-0003 |
West Customer Center(Osaka) | (same as the above) |
Toll-free TEL:+81-120-959-488 Toll-free FAX:+81-120-959-499 TEL:+81-6-6907-0601 FAX:+81-6-6907-0614 |
West-Japan Crane Service Team | (same as the above) |
TEL:+81-6-6907-0610 FAX:+81-6-6907-0614 |