Crosby's shackles have the highest safety rates in the industry, hoisting towers securely and contributing to safe construction operations.
In combination with the following service kit, the telemeter and camera precisely measure the distance between the hub and the clamp, allowing you to safely and constantly locate the center of gravity of the blade for installation and removal operations, even at high elevations.
Contents of the service kit
Telemeter: Measures distance from ground to nacelle or blade
Data Feedback (DFB) display: Remote control to constantly monitor safety elements of the clamp
KITO's LBs is a powerful tool for installing relatively small blades. The lever hoist itself is compact and can quickly and safely adjust the length of the chain, allowing for smooth blade positioning by suspending it with two units.
Crosby's large capacity hook blocks, which use alloy steel to achieve safety and weight reduction, are available in a lineup up to 300 tons, and can also be used to safely install medium-sized hubs and blades.
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