Mar. 15.2023
The Arida brand of tangerine has a proud history of over 400 years and designation as Important Agricultural Heritage by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. In the production center for this prestigious brand, Kito products help reduce labor.
We visited the town of Aridagawa in Wakayama Prefecture, 100 kilometers south of Osaka. A large terraced field spread before us, facing south for optimum sunlight, the trees laden with tangerines. Hirokatsu Yoshikawa is the third-generation farmer of this land, inheriting the family property and operation shortly after he graduated from high school. He had taken a special course in tangerines in school, so he shifted the focus of the operation from rice to tangerines.
By growing several varieties of citrus with different seasonal peaks in parallel, he is able to ship over a long period. In June and July he harvests green tangerines, because before it’s fully mature the fruit has a special element that addresses allergic reactions. Working with a university research team, Yoshikawa has commercialized that compound as a nutritional supplement.
For moving crates fully loaded with harvested fruit, Kito Select ED hoists are in constant operation. “Thanks to these fantastic tools, I can still work in top shape. I look forward to you developing more labor-saving products,” he said, motivating us.